The Town of Breckenridge annexation policy has been highly effective in generating affordable housing. Breckenridge annexations provides greater densities via transfer of development rights, deferring water tap fees, and waiving permit fees. On the proposed annexation, a minimum of 80% of the proposed dwelling units must be developed as deed restricted housing with a maximum of 20% market rate units.
ADUs are second units that can be added to existing residential properties - think converted garages or backyard apartments. The Town of Breckenridge encourages homeowners to build or include these with a deed restriction attached to house local workforce. If you are interested in more information, please contact Breckenridge Housing.
Land is a critical factor in being able to provide affordable housing and the Town has been successful in acquiring land for the purpose of constructing new affordable housing units. Both rental and for sale affordable housing has been built on Town land and will continue to be built on the Block 11 and McCain subdivisions. These projects have been built by the Town as the developer and through public private partnerships where the Town works with private sector developers in the development of affordable housing. For more information on affordable housing neighborhoods in Breckenridge, click here.
The Town of Breckenridge utilizes deed restrictions (restrictive covenants) to insure that housing (both rental and home ownership) remains affordable over time for use and occupancy by local employees. A deed restriction is a legal agreement that runs with the land and binds subsequent owners. There are several types of deed restrictions and there are several neighborhoods and individual properties within the Town that are subject to a deed restriction. A deed restriction in Breckenridge will usually limit the occupancy of a home to a local employee and may include resale, appreciation, and income caps as well as other restrictions. There are approximately 1,000 deed restricted properties in Breckenridge.
Fee Waivers​
Density Waivers
Water Tap
Absolute Policy (Development Code)